GMP型螺旋气流磨是我公司采用德国及美国进口技术研发而成,是为了对药用粉体进行粉体化处理而设计的,产品的D97粒径可低至2~3微米。分块易清洗的经典设计更保证了整个设备清理的简便与彻底性,特点在于简便的操作、优异的清洁度及很少的旋转部件。特别适用于医药行业的实验室操作,可以加工各类药品,包括 、原料药、中间体、辅料等。
同时,开发的新型生产线保留了所有经时间验证的优点并综合了新的特点以达到制药工业的要求,如易拆除,易清洗和 ,能达到CIP和SIP的生产能力。
由于医 料的活性越来越强,以及不可知性,在新药研发过程中,我们建议客户把设备集成在某种程度的隔离系统中,保护操作人员。我们可以提供完整的解决方案。
Smallest output for one batch, and 3g at least fora production
Highest collection efficieney, and 99% of productcan be collected
Self-classifying device, produet size variablebetween d50:1~100 micron
Used for new medicine development and expensivemedicine production
No any rotation part, and very easy to dismantleand clean
Compressed air consumption is only 0.5m³/min
Can be integrated inside the isolation cover
With little floor space, the equipment can referto the schematic diagram on the right or can becustomized without standard
Self-classifying device, product size variable be-tween d50:1~100 micron
Highest collection efficiency,and 99% of productcan be collected
Production capacity differs to the product fine-ness, normally around 2~20kg/hr
Suitable for the production of axenic medicine forinjection
No any rotation part, and very easy to dismantleand clean
CIP/SIP design available(at your choice)
With little floor space, the equipment can refer to the schematic diagram on the right or can be customized without standard